Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Never Give Up... Love fades all d distancesss...

Two lonely souls are passing their lifes in this world, when suddenly they feel there is a big gap in their hearts... but they are not able to do anything. So they are passing theirs lifes in solitude... spending time on the Internet. And accidentaly they meet at the same website. They don't know anything about each other but they feel the same. Souls don't know their names, only feelings. Their emotional connection is so strong that they become one soul. Connected forever.
But there is a problem.... DISTANCE ....
And what now??? They love each other, they want to be together, but they cannot.
But these souls are strong so they withstand separation.

This is the main problem of all long-distance relationships. I bet, couples in this position hate word "distance".

But they can't give up.
Even when you are far away from your beloved you can share feelings. There are several possible ways:
Internet-chatting, Cell phone, Missed calls, PC to PC calls, Webcams, E-mails, Soul-connection.....

If you are from different countries and cell calls are too expensive for you, use missed calls. Make your own signals, e.g. 1 missed call-missing you, 2 missed calls-come online, 3 missed calls-accept that call.
The last option may sound weird, but it's possible. Soul connection means, when you feel something bad happened even when your beloved haven't told you yet. It's a feeling in your heart. You also know how your second part is feeling at this moment.
But this connection appears only in very strong relationships.

The best of all is to focus on those happy moments when you both are online, enjoying each other, teasing, smiling, laughing, imagining. These all can make it a bit bearable.
I'm not saying it's easy, but it is possible to handle.
Of course every couple will experience a while when they will be too emotional, and will see tears. This moment is very difficult, because you don't want to see sadness in the eyes of your lover. So you must try to console her/him. Try to make goofiness (if it's appropriate that time) and reach the smile on lover's lips.
You can play a pillow fights. Yes, pillow fights, you hear well.
It looks like: *XX grabs the pillow and throws it at XY's face*
*XY hides behind the bed,...waits until pillow takes off and picks it up and throws back in lightning speed to evilly laughing face of XX*

Don't forget to dream!!! This is very important. Share your dreams with your soulmate, make some additions in them. Create imaginations together.

Be aware, this is able to run only if there is deeply rooted TRUST.

What is the worst thing you can do:
  1. Hiding feelings (never! it's useless, because your soulmate gets to know it sooner or later)
  2. Lying (small lies to protect your lover..ok.. but everytime you should confess. Your lover may be angry, but if he/she is rational, he/she will understand why you did it. BUT AVOID IT! )
  3. Not passing a note what's going on. (Ufff... you must give a note to your lover, everytime. Otherwise he/she will get crazy after some hours/days)
Trust is not so simple thing. Be very careful who will get your heart. You can't know whether you didn't run into some weirdo who will abuse you. Noone can establish general rule how to recognize weirdos . We can say... depends on luck.

What to do when desperation comes?
Cry, talk, cry, talk, cry and talk.
Yeah,.... never be alone for long time. When you can't talk to your beloved, go to your genuine friends'.

There are some stuffs which prevent you from meeting, such as money, fear (if your love is secret), studies, religion, nationality and many other.
But remeber one thing. Impossible is nothing. if you really want, you will meet.

Conclusion: Never give up because good things happen to good people.

There must be a sadness in life which can be replaced by hapiness. Then you can cherish this happiness and enjoy it more.
Even in darkness sun will rise up some day and all the darkness will dissolve into nothingness.

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